Keep Your Weight Loss Resolutions Beyond January:

Yesterday, I was thinking about the goals I’ve made for myself in the New Year. Funny enough, my actions to reach my goals have fallen to the wayside slightly.

Can you relate?

If you didn’t know, I recently moved practice locations, and with the move— some of the things I set out to do aren’t happening. But that’s ok. It’s just time to refocus, recommit, and recalibrate.

See, the benefit of goals is that they set you on a path toward a destination, but if you veer off, you must find a way back on.

So, that’s what I’m doing this week. Re-calibrating. Figuring out how to get back on my path to go where I need to go.
Why does this matter?

Well, if you’re among the millions who pledge to lose weight, you’re likely aware that the enthusiasm that fuels this promise fizzles out as the new year gets started.

Rather than feeling frustrated, defeated, or even a little guilty that what you said you wanted isn’t in motion, I’d recommend you take a moment to recalibrate instead of throwing in the towel.

Truth is, change is hard. Going uphill is challenging, especially when you’re against the familiar, the convenient, and the comfortable. However, it’s also a journey worth taking because there’s a better, healthier, and more vibrant version of you waiting at the summit.

So, let’s explore four tips to help ensure that your weight loss resolutions stay on the path.

These practical, no-nonsense strategies can shift your approach to weight loss from a fleeting resolution to a sustainable lifestyle change.

1. Recognize it’s hard to make change. But worth it.

CHANGE IS HARD. But my friend, I know you can be better, do better, and meet yourself where you are to get to where you want to go.
Setbacks aren’t signs to stop; they’re opportunities to reassess. Change is a monumental challenge, but it also makes us resilient, capable, and ultimately satisfied.

Acknowledge that the road to change isn’t linear — it will twist and turn, rise and fall.

So, if you’re not showing up for yourself as you’d like to, let’s take a moment to figure out why and ask yourself what you can do to make it happen. Just give yourself some grace and start. For example, if you’re not exercising as you like, find out what’s getting in the way and honestly ask yourself what is doable for you right now and how to make exercise happen. If meal planning and grocery shopping aren’t happening– why is that, and what can you do to begin?

Sometimes, it’s just doing it; other times, it’s asking for help to take something off our plate so we can.

2. Make Time for Your Transformation

The biggest barrier to weight loss isn’t willpower; it’s time. Life is a swirling vortex of obligations — work, family, friends — and in the fervor of these responsibilities, our personal well-being often takes a backseat. However, a fundamental shift in perspective can free up the time needed to prioritize our health.

Start by auditing your schedule. How much time do you spend on mindless activities like social media or television? Could that time be repurposed for an evening walk or meal prepping? When you recognize the pockets of unused time, you’ll unlock the potential to weave health-conscious activities into your daily routine.

Also begin to plan out your days, weeks, and months. Don’t let them pass by you. Schedule in time to get your groceries and meals and even the time to prep. Schedule/envision when you’ll move, work out, sleep, and spend time with your loved ones. Don’t give your time away to things that don’t progress your goals: ahem—- social media, doom scrolling, or drama.

Protect your time, too, and create boundaries.

You actually don’t always have to say YES to everything and everyone who asks you for your time.

Start to Prioritize YOU.

Pencil or digitally schedule what you want to do to improve your health and lose weight into your calendar to make it happen.
It can feel awkward at first but do it anyway.

3. Choose a high-satiety diet.

Food is fuel, but more than that, it should be enjoyable and satisfying. Weight loss isn’t about restriction; it’s about making choices that nourish the body and quell the hunger. If your diet leaves you perpetually famished, it’s destined to fail in the long run.
Swap out the simple for the complex. Reduce processed sugars and refined grains that incite cravings. Instead, focus on whole foods that contain a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats — the trifecta of satisfaction.

4. Recognize The Value of Support—

Sometimes, you just need expert care. The truth is obesity, and our body’s weight set point are complex. So many factors go into setting our body’s weight, and its set point. Therefore having an expert on your side can be beneficial. Whether it’s navigating the lifestyle, the mindset, or the medicine to get you where you need to get going—- I would love to help you.

The Ongoing Journey

There’s still time to get back on track with your New Year’s Resolution Weight goals. In fact, weight loss is never a destination; it’s a lifelong journey marked by milestones and course corrections. By acknowledging the challenge, managing your time effectively, choosing a diet that fuels success, and partnering with those who can help, I truly believe you can gain health and lose weight.


Book an appointment with me today. Together, we can transform your health dreams into an achievable reality.

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WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC DISCLAIMER: Medical weight loss program results vary between individuals depending on initial weight, existing medical conditions and adherence to prescribed treatments. Speak to Dr. Shah about the results you can expect. No medical promises or guarantees are made as obesity is a chronic, relapsing, multifactorial disease. At Weight Sense Lake Nona, we provide medical weight loss programs to residents of Florida. The information on this website is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis, and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please talk to your doctor before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or starting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. If you think this is a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. Weight Sense LLC reserves the right to add, remove, or edit content from this page at its sole discretion
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